
Residential workshop adhd students

Upcoming Workshops

Residential workshop adhd students
Residential workshop adhd students

The centerpiece of the ADHD College Success Guidance Program is an intensive 4-day residential workshop in which participants tackle the obstacles of ADHD, learn skills to overcome them, and craft strategies to apply these skills within the college environment and beyond.

Upcoming Dates

January 2nd - 5th

January 9th - 12th

Residential workshop adhd students mid atlantic
Residential workshop adhd students

The Workshop

Once in the retreat environment, the participants engage in a communal and individual intense work process.

At our workshop, participants form a supportive community. They share their experiences, establish a common ground, and together explore the difficulties they’ve all faced. This collaborative environment fosters lasting bonds that extend beyond the workshop.

Our workshop begins with a focus on individual goals. Participants are encouraged to identify their academic, career, and life goals. These goals are then tested in a safe setting through various exercises, ensuring they are not just aspirational, but also achievable outside the workshop.

As the work intensifies through the weekend, Workshop Facilitators help participants continually recreate and update their objectives. This ongoing process enables the individuals to dig deeper to reach for goals they never thought imaginable while integrating a belief structure that recognizes and ensures they are obtainable.

​Next, the participants begin a series of exercises and training to develop strategic methods to incorporate into their everyday lives to achieve those goals while monitoring progress and regression. They learn a series of principles and a skill set specifically geared to addressing the distractions and difficulties faced by students with ADHD.

Participants leave the workshops with a completed workbook in which they’ve journaled their progress through the program. This document holds:

  • their unique individualized goals

  • a roadmap that they have developed to meet those goals (the “plan of action”)

  • strategies and tactics for handling their own challenges

  • a means to navigate through the distractions that may derail their progress

  • methods for monitoring success.

After the Workshop

We believe that the work—assessing strengths and weaknesses, learning and applying our methods, and integrating them into successful actions—takes on even greater importance when the participant begins coursework and the distractions return. After the workshop, our academic coaches schedule a session to follow up on how participants are embracing their new-found skills and how they will use them in college and their careers.

Although many students find that the workshop and follow-up academic coaching prepare them for college success, others have found that continuing weekly or other regular follow-up with a coach helps them maintain progress with their Plan of Action for Success, integrate the guiding principles into their college work, and develop the habit of staying in their success zone. We have a program staffed with coaches tailored to provide this follow-up for these students.

Residential workshop adhd students mid atlantic
Residential workshop adhd students working together

Get started today.

We are a uniquely integrated program of College Readiness & Success Training, Academic Coaching, Mental Health, and Career Counseling for high school and college students with ADHD.